Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wizards and Kittens, and contests, oh my!

So today I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

When I arrived in the theater, to my amazement, it was empty. Yes, empty. There was literally no one in the room.
Of course, I was naturally surprised - I mean, c'mon, this was /Harry Potter/..!

So I left the theater and asked the guy at the ticket booth which theater was playing HP. He had a quick argument with the girl working there with him, then settled on #4 - which was equally as empty, except for one other family...

That changed once it got closer to actual film presentation time.

Anyway, about the movie:

I think it was good, but wasn't as good as previous films. Also, a few things were left out (that I can recall, it's been a while since I've read the book), such as the portrait of Sirius's mother - although I understand this is not critical to the plot (Eragon left out so much critical stuff it's not even funny), but it would've been a humorous addition, humor being something the film seemed to lack (although this could be because of the darker tone of the book and books to follow).

I also noticed various little nuances that just didn't seem to make much sense.

For example, when going to the Ministry for Magic, after Harry sees the vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort, they fly on the thestrals (I had forgotten the name - thanks to Kirsty for reminding me!). How did the others besides Harry and Luna see them? Picture this:

Ron: Err... Harry... how do we ride something we can't see?

See what I mean? And why don't they just use brooms? I know this is how J.K wrote it, but...

Besides these things, I loved the movie. Imelda Staunton did an excellent job as Umbridge, as well, I think. She made me hate the movie character as much as the book character. :P

All in all, I rate it 9/10. ;)


Kittens! Or rather, /kitten/.

I was talking to my mom about cats today, and asked if she had ever seen a completely white kitten. She said yes, and said that there was one that was almost completely white (save for a bit of black on its head) at a local farm. She had to go there anyway, so she asked if I'd like to come take a look.

I agreed, but thought she was just joking.

So I got the kitten - for free. I know the owner personally, and she didn't mind giving the kitten away at all. One might say she was even eager. :P

Anyway, I keep it in my room. It seems fairly happy there. I managed to get it to eat some catnip and drink some milk from a dish, too.
Quite a good accomplishment, considering its age - which I'm not certain of...

In other news, there's this writing contest, which a friend mentioned.

The prize? $6,000.

Yeah, my jaw dropped when I read that. Of course, I'm entering, but I need inspiration... ideas... I think I have something in mind, though.

You can read more about it here (Canadian residents only):

So..! This is all for tonight, and so I say: ciao! ;)


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